Forgiveness of yourself and others

I celebrate Yom Kippur but a little different then tradition. Most who celebrate spend time in Temple or in constant prayer. Some believe that prayer is the only way for forgiveness but I think good deeds trump prayer. I feel that GOD would rather you help someone else and create good energy then sit and say a prayer over and over. There are many people throughout history that did negative things and thought by going to Temple or church and saying prayers that they would be forgiven. While they may be forgiven, which always depends on the acts committed, I feel the best way to talk to GOD and the best way to get forgiveness is by doing good deeds everyday not just on holidays.

I fast all day long from the night before on Yom Kippur. I do brush my teeth and get ready for the day. Many times in the day I reflect on my sins and what I could have done different or better. I reflect on all my faults as a person and the learned behaviors from my life experience. I reflect from the outside in. I can see what needs to be evolved and this reflection helps keeps me focused on advancing my soul to make better choices in my life. One of the things I always reflect is about thinking before I act and speak. Sometimes I may say the wrong thing at the wrong time. This is something easy when you think about it but sometimes hard in the moment. Not too many people reflect on becoming better, they just focus on asking for forgiveness to what they had already done wrong.

If I was GOD, and for a minute pretend you are as well. Would you rather someone go to a place of worship and say sorry by repeating prayers or would you rather your child go out and help another child in need. If you are not doing good things in your life for others, how do you expect to advance as a good person? When you are doing good deeds every day you are counsciously in the light of GOD so it is that much harder to do something wrong. You have to live everyday like you were in Church or Temple. Live to help your brothers and sisters in need.

One of the biggest obstacles some of us have to endure is the forgiveness of others. This type of energy can stay for a lifetime. Regardless if that person is in your life any longer, forgiveness of that person and that act is crucial to your well-being. Me personally, I forgive people before they even do anything wrong. After the act, I forgive them instantly and never hold a grudge. I may choose to not have that person in my life any longer but I let that relationship dissolve with love. Forgiveness does not mean you are a sucker, it means you are strong enough to put your energy first and that your health and mind is the most important factor.

I have had many close relationships but if that line is crossed, that is the end. I know who I am as a person. The closest people know who I am as a person. Knowing that, if my line is crossed it mean they do not respect you in such a way, and once someone does it once, most likely it will happen again. Just like a spouse hitting another spouse. Once it happens, the pattern just begun. This does not make them a bad person for crossing the line, just means the time has come to release the relationship. People are in your life for seasons, reasons and lifetimes. When their message is delivered, the time will come to move on. Sometimes that time is delayed because of attachment and sometimes it is quick.

On a personal note, I had a huge miracle this holiday. I love to fish. I always wanted to catch a Cobia fish. It is one of the best fighting fish but also one of the tastiest. I have never caught one and have been trying for 10 years now. Today I caught one, a nice size about 20 pounds. When I was bringing it in, the line brook as soon as I was lifting it up in my backyard. I was devastated. Right at that point it was high tide and the best time for fishing. Also right at that point my wife called and asked me to bring her a change of clothes that was 20 minutes away. I felt frustration for a minute then realized it is all good. I know things happen for reasons as long as you are doing the right things in life. After I dropped off the clothes, I came back home to fish.

About 15 minutes in, my line said zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, I caught a big fish. After 20 minutes of fighting the fish, I reeled in not only a 40 pound Cobia but the biggest fish I ever caught. I was so happy and immediately reflected on my frustration after the fish fish. My time delay had to happen. I was using live fish so think about it. I had to throw the line in exactly at a certain time, the fish had to swim a certain path and the Cobia had to swim in a certain area. It all worked out just as it should be. So since I fasted all day, I got to break my fast with a miracle fish. It was delicious!!!!!!!!!

So the lesson of Yom Kippur and really in life itself is to do good deeds everyday, reflect on becoming a person soul everyday, talk with GOD everyday whether in conversation or prayer and forgive those who have wronged you and all the miracles with fill your life with happiness. May be all be filled with so much love that their is no room for any type of negativity. Namaste.

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Robin Williams, suicide & demons


There are always two sides to every story but there is also two sides to every event. For every event there is a logical reason and a spiritual reason for the event. For example, if you run over a nail and get a flat tire, logically the nail caused the flat. Spiritually, the reasoning is the same but different. Yes the nail caused the flat but your Angels, GOD, Buddha or whatever you believe in caused the flat. What if down the road you were to get into an accident? This event that was caused by a logic but had a spiritual conclusion. You in that particular space and time had to be delayed. Most people get upset when they have a flat because they will be late to work or the fact that they have to pay money to fix a tire. But what if it really prevented you from an accident. Now instead of getting hurt, paying a $500 insurance deductible and being without a car, you are only 15 minutes late and it costs $10. When you compare the two, one is frustrating while the other is thankful. Now lets take a look at Robin Williams and the two sides.

First let me say that he is one of the best actors ever! His ability to jump into any character is purely a gift. I loved just about all his movies and his presence will surely be missed especially by his family and friends. To have an impact in society as he did with his generosity is his saving grace. Some people have posted online with compassion while others have called him a coward. I personally use to have the coward type of view until I almost committed suicide myself at different  points in my life. Yes, I have thought about it and took steps to end it, however I had Divine intervention and I fought to live. This is another post I will write later.

Robin Williams as reported was battling alcoholism and depression for some time now. He recently went into rehab over the summer. Rehab is only as good as the person wanting to truly be helped and following all the steps to FIGHT their addictions. If you do not follow the steps everyday until you conquer the addiction then you will fall back into the same place and most likely a worst place because you did not make it the previous time. By not making it, you self doubt yourself making yourself fell worse. This is the logical side of things, now lets look at why people say “fighting demons”.

We all have guardian angels, at least 7, however some people have thousands. Depending on your life’s purpose depends on what protection and strength you need. But man and woman were giving the greatest gift, FREE WILL. With free will, your angels may not be able to protect and save you all the time. Sometimes you ALLOW the demons to come in.

When someone has an addiction, whether to alcohol, drugs, sex and many more examples, they allow the addiction to control their behaviors. If anyone knows a drug addict, they always say “you are not who you use to be”. This is true. You see when you are addiction free, you are the personalities of all your angels combined. You share their energy and you are all one making up the soul that you have. It is all the same.

There are good angels and bad angels and also demons or negative spirits. The good ones of course always try to follow GOD’s path while the other ones are attracted to the negative side. Your angels are always trying to protect and guide you to your destined path in life, that is their job. But when you are addicted to something and now your choices and behaviors revolve around the addiction, you allow your circle of protection to be open. When you are open, this allows other things to come into your circle of angels, like a negative spirit or worse a demon.

So why are your guardian angels not strong enough to keep them out? Because YOU ALLOW them in through your addiction. You invite them in unknowingly, or now, knowingly. Your angels at this point are still trying to save you and thats why you always contemplate whether to do your addiction or not. Every addict knows its wrong but the addiction FEEDS the negative spirit or spirits. When they are fed, they grow stronger because you are feeding them your energy as well. In return your addiction becomes stronger.

Just because you are a super athlete like Junior Seau or famous actor like Robin Willimas and have all the money you will ever need, addiction does not escape you. In fact, it is usually worse because of the lime light and pressure. How many times do we see famous people have addictions? Usually the first response is how can they be so stupid with all that money? Life is life regardless of money and fame. We are all equal to having addictions whether it is in your dna or not.

People contemplate suicide for many reasons, everything from breakups, addictions, depression, mental illness and much more. Me personally, I felt left alone. There were periods in my life that I felt alone in this world with no love and it seemed everyone left me. Some people can have all the material things in this world and still feel alone. Some may have a huge network of family and friends but still feel alone. It is not up to us to judge but up to us to try and help save the 38,000 people annually who commit suicide. They are not cowards, they need help. Need help to see the gift of life and what they can still do with their life. They need their life’s purpose renewed.

Many religions believe that one who commits suicide, they go to hell. Others believe that they get a worse life and are reborn while others believe that they go to Heaven regardless. Robin William did many great things for charity and children in need. Personally, I think we all have to beat our demons in our life. When we do not graduate to our life’s purpose whether it is by suicide or just simply not choosing the right paths in life, we try again. Again and again until we beat what we need to. Then we move up in levels and have different purpose whether here on earth, as an angel or whatever else is available that we have no idea or comprehension of. Either way, regardless of purpose, spread the love instead of judgement and negativity.

Show where your heart really belongs, in the grace of GOD or whatever your belief is. Show the highest form of compassion. Show your dedication to humanity and helping those beat their demons. Show the true you, the loving you, the you that you would be proud to call you. Be the bigger stronger brother and sister to all the children of GOD. Namaste to all.

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Insights to Injuries

images I love to exercise. Let me rephrase, I love the feeling after I exercise. Do I like lifting weights, standing in a hard yoga pose or running a few miles? NO, but I know I will experience the great feeling of well-being afterwards. This is why I do it, along with knowing this is what I have to do in order to live a healthy life. Some people say we all have a destined time and GOD will take them at any particular time. (They use this as an excuse for negative traits ) I agree with them but state that I would rather be happy and healthy until my time is up. But everyone in their life will experience some type of injury due to exercising. This is where we must step outside of ourself and look at our routine and overall health and fitness. Injuries to the body can happen for any number of reasons. Whether it be over exercising, not enough rest, an accident or any other reason, we have to step back and look at our entire situation of fitness. I sprained my ankle last year after creating a beach workout. The workout consisted of jogging 2-3 miles while wearing 5 pound weights on each wrist and carrying an 8 pound ball. I would do numerous exercises with my arms as I was jogging the beach. The workout would last about an hour. I felt great afterwards but that changed one day. There was a storm and it made the beach have a severe angle by the water. As I jogged, one leg was getting more pressure and shock. Coming back, the other leg would take it. My ankles felt sore but not painful. Then all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my left ankle. I didn’t twist it or step on anything, just simply that angle for that time and pressure caused that reaction. I had to walk very slowly almost a mile back home so I had a lot of time to think and meditate on this. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reasons, however our free will changes that. If a drunk driver kills someone, that was not meant to be. That means that person CHOSE to do that. Was my injury meant to be? No, but I still found the learning lesson. This carries over to all aspects in our life as well. When things happen, due to no fault of your own or by your choices, see the learning lesson and insight. I would rather learn my lesson the first time then repeat the mistake. My answer came rather quickly since I had to walk in the soft part of the sand and not by the water on the angle. I did not give up the workout but made it more beneficial. Now I was doing this exercise in the soft sand. With the soft sand it took more strength to jog while being on a level surface. So an injury made me stronger because I wanted to improve myself and not conquer my ego and pride. I could have healed and repeated the same mistake hoping that it would not happen again or thought of a different way to achieve the same goal. In life, in every life, we will all make mistakes. How many times will you repeat the same injury until you learn the insight and lesson? Some people will have to repeat several times and even then will still not learn. Not that they do not want to but because they can not step outside the ego and look into their life as a netural observer. Learn to step outside and look in. So what if you made a mistake, it is how you learn for the next time that matters.

Happy Birthday to Me

If I had to use one word to describe my last 36 years, it would definitely be MIRACLE!

I reflect daily on my life since birth. This helps me to be grateful in every moment. When I reflect, I do not experience the particular pain or joy of those moments, instead I focus on the lesson that was trying to be given. We all have missed lessons in our lives, sometimes the most obvious ones. This daily focus helps me to be present in the moment for the new signs and messages because GOD and our Angels are ALWAYS trying to guide us to the right choices.

I have been blessed so much in my life with Miracles. From the simple ones of waking up to the highest levels where I have seen lives being saved. We are all given miracles but when we work for the right things in life, we are blessed with even more miracles. Doing the right thing creates the right energy in your heart and soul. Having this energy everyday will only attract the same into your life.

I have had some awesome people in my life to show me things but when the lesson is learned, it is time for that person to go a separate way. Sometimes the ending is bad and difficult but sometimes that is the only way it could happen. In either case, I focused on the lesson and loose nothing, only gained insights, miracles and lessons to help me achieve my destiny.

So As I reflect once again, I hold the highest gratitude to GOD and my Angels for always looking out for me. I know exactly what I have to do in my life and if things change then I will adapt with a positive heart and soul all while having a smile. Nothing can break my smile or my love. This is from GOD and nothing is stronger.

Thank you to all my family, friends and people in my life who made me who I am today. For today is the best version of my self both physically and spiritually. As I continue to work on my mind, body and soul, I will never stop being a student of life while helping and teaching others to do the same. Love you all! Namaste.

Yom Kippur- Forgiveness of the soul

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Yom Kippur, also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for all Jewish people. Its main focus is atonement and repentance. Jewish souls traditionally observe this holy day with an approximate 25-hour period of fasting and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services.

I was raised Catholic and later found my Jewish roots. Growing up, I told a priest my sins and then he would absolve them and  all negative energy in exchange for prayers and promises not to do it again. Any way to get rid of the baggage of sins that we all carry is a BLESSING. One thing I can see from confession especially at such a young age is the ability to say your sorry. The ability to lay down your ego and pride in hopes of forgiveness from GOD is a huge gift to have. One that we all should practice.

This is the 15th year I will be fasting for Yom Kippur. There are many ways to observe depending on your level of dedication to the holiday. My dedication is more of the purpose and meaning. It is about the connection between your soul and what you believe in. It is about the heartfelt emotion of forgiveness that you extend out from your soul to the Heavens. I focus on what I did lately and things that I have done in my past along with things that I will do in the future. I ask GOD to forgive me for everything.

Forgiveness is not just about asking so you can relieve your guilt and wrong doing. Yom Kippur is also the practice of forgiving others who have wronged you. Relieving anger and resentment is crucial for the well being of the soul and spirit. This weight can effect us more then we know. This is the time that we clean our soul of all energies and deeds. A fresh start for the year to come. To be uplifted so we can fulfill our destiny and we are meant to go. To fulfill our purpose while being mindful to always be the best version of ourselves.

God PLEASE forgive me for everything that I have ever done wrong or negative. PLEASE forgive me for everything that I do now and everything that I do in the future whether knowing or unknowing. Please help me see the right and wrong of every situation and give me the strength to always choose the righteous way. Please help me stay in your light and to spread the love of my soul. Please allow nothing else in my soul but love so there is no room for revenge or resentment. Please help me see, hear and feel what needs to be done. Please always send good deed opportunities my way. Whatever I can do to help to allow the destined paths to unfold as they should. Please be patient with me GOD. Please always have faith in me. I love you and THANK YOU for sending all the guardian angels to help us fulfill our destinies.

If I have ever wronged you, please forgive me. If I ever created any negative moment with you, please forgive me. If I acted any other way but my true self, please forgive me. I forgive everyone and always will. Peace.

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A Moment of Divine Timing

My brother sent me a listing as an extra in the tv series”Homeland”. The current description was one that I might have been on camera in one scene. There was another position with 2 scenes and a better chance of being on camera. I sent some photos of myself doing tai chi and yoga poses. He sent my photos over and I got picked for the better role. While the role had no lines, I was happy that my face would be seen on camera. This was going to be my first role in the tv business.

My brother called Friday, July 12th and said that they chose me for the part. So I drove to North Carolina Saturday morning, barely on any sleep but so awake and energized. How could I not feel awesome at this moment? With weather and traffic it took me 13 hours to drive when it is suppose to be 11. At this time is was my brothers friends birthday and they were all out celebrating. As physically tired I was at this point, I knew it was rare for my 2 brothers and their wives to be out because of their families and children. I sucked up my tiredness, drank 2 red bulls and was ready to spend time with my family.

I did not drink because I knew it would just make me tired, so that turned me into the designated driver. So I ended up driving another 2 hours taking people home. I would do this act over and over again. To make sure people got home safely and allowing people to enjoy their time with no worry is a gift in itself. I spent the weekend enjoying my brothers, sister, nieces, nephews and friends. I am still holding onto the gratitude and I am holding a constant smile on my face. My vibration will not let me have any other feeling but pure love.

Tuesday morning I was up at 430am to be at set by 6am. I can not describe my role or the scene because the episode did not air yet. I can say that I was an extra with 2 scenes. One of me kinda in the scene and another with the camera on my face. So I was thrilled. Everyone there was so nice and loving. It was like a big family doing a project together. One of the scenes involved us being in a store so we were in there waiting. They started filming next door so I decided to stay where I was because they were coming back. I started doing tai chi and that lasted for an hour and a half. I was connecting and giving thanks to GOD and my Angels for all the love, miracles and opportunities that I have had my entire life and especially the last week.

Just as I was done, the production crew came back in to shoot the next scene that I was going to be in. All of a sudden, the director, Clark Johnson, says out loud, “hey, this guy drove from Florida, lets give him a line”. My jaw hit the floor and my eyes were huge. After a few minutes he came back and said the budget may not go through to allow it but he is sorry, that he tried. I thanked him and said no problem. I am just grateful to be here and that I was having an awesome time!! A few minutes after that he came back and said “wire this man up with a mic”. YES!!!!!!! 😉

The writer and director created another scene just for me and my role. Now I have 3 scenes and a speaking line. I have never been on tv or ever acted in front of the mirror. I was nervous to work with everyone who was a professional but my role was literally myself, David Chi. I had to speak like it was me. All it took was 3 takes and it was done. Perfect. To be an extra in a film is hard, depending on what the scene calls for. To be an extra and have actually face time is a huge deal. To be an extra and then bumped up to an actor with a speaking role because you are the exact fit for the scene is like hitting the lottery. For all  this to happen on your very first attempt and appearance on tv is nothing short of a miracle with divine timing.

UnknownSeason 3 Episode 5 airs Oct 29,2013 on Showtime


So the next day, Wednesday, I left at 630am to drive back home because Thursday was my best friends 10th wedding anniversary. His wife planned a surprise renewing of the vows on the beach. It took me 11 hours to get back this time but nothing could stop me from enjoying and being apart of all these wonderful moments. Sleep and being physically tired I can push through for any miracle. I can always sleep or rest, I can not always be apart of awesome moments.

Watching the ceremony was a beautiful moment for both of us. I knew that two people can work through ANYTHING together as long as love is the foundation. As long as you see the goal of the union first and not the goal of yourself. To be able to listen and hear your partner of what makes them feel love, not what you think they want. To be our bright souls and to create a loving family. When I look at their two children, I see the lessons I want to teach my children. We all learn from each other, we just have to keep our eyes open for the lessons. The lessons only make our souls brighter with insight.


The feelings and emotions that you are carrying during these events is one of a divine feeling. It is one that you feel like you are on cloud 9 and having vacation in Heaven. It is joy and happiness at its peak. But how do you hold onto that feeling? How you do preserve that feeling and prevent it from fading away? We all have had awesome moments in our life, but why are we still not in that feeling and moment? What happen? Why do we loose that vibration?

We happen. We allow other things to come in and push those moments away. We allow our grip on that energy to loosen. Should we always live in the past? Of course not but there is no reason why we should not focus on our blessings and only hold the gratitude of our heart to shine so bright that everyone should know, that you should know, how grateful and blessed we all are.

Replace negative thoughts with joyous memories. Replace depressing emotions with  visions of miracles. Replace the loneliness with the connection to your GOD. Uncover your soul, let it shine that no darkness can be seen. Just be the natural loving soul that you are and everything will happen to keep you at your peak. Lets evolve and teach other. Let love be your vision.

The white bird is the one we released during our engagement. The larger bird is one I fed during the ride to be on “Homeland”.


photo-7Double rainbow day before filming.

I loved you before I met you

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Love is a gift that we all deserve. Love is the energy that makes our soul. GOD is love and we are all the children of GOD. Love is natural but sometimes our experiences keep this love away from us experiencing it to the fullest. We all search for it but are we ready for it?

I have been blessed with the relationships in my life. I always had standards of relationships in which the heart was number one. If someone did not have at least a certain level of love in their heart, I did not pursue that person. It is hard to have a bad relationship if two people are full of love. The problems in relationships start when people do not act from their heart and make bad choices from emotions and lack of communication. I can honestly say that 99% of all of my relationships were full of love and happiness.

Each relationship taught me lessons about myself and life. I learned how to be a great partner and to communicate. I learned how to be patient with a loving energy and to see the goal of the relationship and not my selfish ways. I learned what it takes to have a partner and to think of “us” instead of just me. All of these relationships taught me to be who I am today and I thank every soul who was in my life. People are in your life for seasons, reasons and lifetimes. When the message and lesson is delivered, it then is time for the next chapter to begin. Sometimes it ends with love and sometimes just the opposite. Either way, the focus should always be “what did I learn from this relationship” and not how it ended. Focus on the gifts and miracles of that time.

I have been focusing on “me” for awhile now. Focusing on being the best version of myself so I can bring that energy to the relationship. I wanted to be at my peak so my partner would be at hers because you attract what you are. I wanted us both be at our best so we can help each other go even further. Besides the relationship qualities, I wanted to be physically and spiritually at my best. I want my partner to desire my body and soul and I want to crave her body and soul. I want the relationship to start from this point so we both can grow together while having the best partner and best friend for each other. No worries, no fears, no negativity, just all love, happiness and miracles.

On February 7th, I saw my soulmate. We have many soul mates in our lives, all of them teaching us lessons. This is my soulmate that I will create a family and lifetime with. When I saw her photo, I knew who she was to me. After a month talking, I was even more sure of her energy. I was so excited to meet her and the excitement was driving me crazy! I didn’t want to just bring flowers that would eventually wither, instead I brought her a beautiful orchid plant that was filled with blooms inside an awesome vase. After an awesome lunch filled with laughs, we had to part ways but my confirmation was set. I knew this was going to be the mother of my children and my best friend for life.

I missed her as soon as I left. I had to leave town for a couple days but wanted to see her when I got back. I was persistant for us to meet and would not take no for an answer and she left a bridal shower to see me. I convinced her to meet 2 days after we first met just for a talk on the beach during the full moon. Our first kiss happened under the moonlight and that lasted for 3 hours straight and I still craved more. Our souls danced that night to the song of love that we both always wanted to hear and feel. That kiss started the connection that has skyrocketed to the heavens.

I have never felt so much love in my life. My soul is only filled with miracles and love. There is no room for anything else because this is what drives me. This is what gets me closer to GOD and my angels. This is what makes me be at the best version of myself. Mi amor has shown me so many sides of my soul that I did not know existed. She showed me so many levels and depths that have evolved my soul even more and we are only just starting.

Mac and Diana, who are very close to my soul, just recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. While I did not wait for the “standard” of time to ask mi amor to marry me, I could not wait anymore. This couple said that time does not wait for man so why should man wait for time. If you know she is the one then what are you waiting for? Why are you waiting to give negativity a chance to break the bond you know you have? Life is to short not to go after what you want and feel. When you feel it in your soul, then go for it and love every inch of effort for it.

Iris means rainbow. The symbol for all colors. The light of all life. Her birthday is July 28th and I wanted to do something special so I planned a photo shoot on the beach during sunset. But this was not just any photo shoot but one then we would remember for the rest of our lives. The time in which I would ask my soulmate to be with me forever and to start a beautiful loving family.

I wanted this day to be as special as possible so I had 3 dozen roses and mixed bouquets waiting for my love when she arrived. We had lunch with the photographer to set up all of our thoughts and ideas. A pedicure and manicure followed so my babes hands and feet would feel awesome. Lots of laughs during this time and the pineapple martinis with our pinkies up made it even better. After getting ready at our house, we were ready for the special miracle moment of our lives.

We had two parts of the photo shoot, one in casual linen and the other a bathing suit. We had a loving date on the beach while walking, talking, kissing, holding, hugging and bonding all while someone captured these moments on film. I bought a special white dove/pigeon/parrot for us to release. The photographer and I had this planned for a month before the photo shoot of how it was going to happen. Before we released the bird, he would say that he wanted a couple more poses before we do that. One of those was me kneeling, like a proposal type photo. When he mentioned this, lol, Iris said “what? What do you mean?”. He said “You guys will eventually be married right? This is just practice”. After a few funny faces and comments  in this pose just to lighten and disguise the moment, I spoke to Iris with my soul. She already knows how I feel but I let my soul speak loving vibrations that surrounded her entire body.

When she said yes, I felt such a miraculous sensation as if angels were dancing and celebrating around us. A new chapter had begun. I felt like my life had just started. All the training and experiences in my life has paid off because now I am starting a new life and one with my best friend and life partner, my soulmate, my love. We celebrated with some bubbly and enjoyed our moment in bliss. We stayed up all night enjoying each others energy and the next day and night as well. We are so happy within each others energy that we did not want to separate. I have never experienced a bond this strong and I am so appreciative for every moment, kiss, hug and breath that I feel from Iris, my rainbow of love that spreads from one side of my soul to the next.

I reached this point in my life from finding myself. I learned how to be a respectful humble man and a proud loving son of GOD at the same time. I learned when I look to be the best version of myself that I will be given opportunities to learn from my experiences to get me there. I learned how to love myself first so I can share that with everyone around me. I learned me and I will always be learning and loving from my wife. She is my teacher and my best friend. She is me and I am her and we are one. Love you mi amor!! I look forward to every chapter while we hold hands and walk along side each other!! ❤

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My 15th Anniversary of Teaching Life


This month marks my 15th year of teaching tai chi & qi gong, both are slow dances combined with soft breathing. I first started tai chi by accident. I was on a waiting list to join a private class and one of my friends who had my house keys was at class. I had to sneak up to the yard because I did not want to disturb the class and also not look like a stalker.

My friend and I caught each others eye and he quickly throw me my keys over the fence. As I was walking away the teacher came out and asked what I was doing there. After explaining, he offered for me to try class. That was the start of my destiny as I know it today. GOD, my angels, however it works, they lead me to that moment in time for which forever changed my life as I know it and I hold constant gratitude and appreciation in my heart and prayers for it.

I was so excited to be doing this since the back ground was martial arts and I have studied many systems. This particular style had self defense aspects but also a focus on breath and meditation in motion. I feel in love with how I felt and soon started volunteering my time teaching others. I knew the changes I felt by simply taking 10 minutes a day and focusing on myself and my breath while practicing a dance. I never stopped volunteering my time and teaching since. I was given opportunities to help and I accepted with an open heart. I volunteered teaching everyone from children with HIV to juvenile delinquents who had to come to school in handcuffs. I also had the honor to teach adults with HIV and the homeless amongst many other different classifications of society. Still continuing my path, I now have the honor to work with the military and others who look to make a difference in this world. I have seen so many miracles during these times simply with breath and movement.

There are two things that I am confident about in my life, my heart and my movements. While at the beach today doing the movements, I reflected on the last 15 years and what it has done for me physically and spiritually. It takes me just over an hour to do the movements from start to finish, so I had many memories of who I was and who I am today. I started as a boy from the projects and grew into a soulful man trying to help the world, one breath at a time. I had to walk each step with faith.

Physically, the daily practice of meditation in motion has kept me clear and focused. It has allowed me not only to get rid of stress but to have the strength to prevent it. These simple movements have given my body the oxygen it needs in order to heal at an optimum state of being. By controlling my breath, I control my body in which I control my mind. When we control our body we get in touch with every part of our being. I have found myself through my breath. I have found a tool to keep my health at its peak without ever loosing the most important thing we take for granted, our breath. I always have peace and relaxation in my body.

Spiritually, I have come to feel GOD and my angels which is the core of us all. These movements do not follow religious beliefs or any man made path. Instead it allowed me, someone who was soul searching, to open up and look within myself. It allowed me to find my own way to our higher power, the way that fits me the best. Once I open up my soul and eyes to see, it allowed me to see thousands of miracles since, literally. It allowed me to find that peaceful, happy, serene, loving side of myself and to keep me in that energy and state of mind at all times.

I had many teachers in my life since then and have many now. My family are my teachers. My best friend is my teacher. My soulmate is my teacher. The homeless guy at the corner is my teacher. No human has ever perfected life. A teacher should always have teachers otherwise they are not learning but only dictating what they know so far and knowledge in unlimited.

Everything in life is connected and when you connect yourself, you find your true self and destiny. The last few years was the most intense training for my soul and life as I know it. When you are a child, you do not have many choices. As an adult, you have every choice. The last few years opened so many doors that enabled me to grow into a man. In one of the worst cross roads of life so far, I found the biggest gift, life. By helping others, it allowed me to record the gifts of breath. This is when I recorded 5 documentaries concerning Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, etc. From that experience, I created 2 tai chi systems just focusing on health and a foundation to help spread that insight. These are the miracles and experiences that turned me into a man, a teacher and one day a loving father and husband. It was doing the right things in life without negativity for me to see the true blessing surrounding me. Any soul learning the movements from me call me by my name and not a title. We are all the same and no man is higher then another. Some just make different choices in life.

I owe everything to GOD and to the angels he sent to help me along my journey. The best insight that I found during the last 15 years is that I am just starting. My path has just begun. My training for life so far has given me the tools to stand as a loving child of GOD and to have the knowledge to help anyone in any health condition. I was given the tool to make a difference and I will teach others to carry and share these tools. The insights were not given to any man to hold for himself but to share with the world.

At the end of every exhale is the start of life, a new beginning. A new breath to fulfill your destined path. Find yourself. Find your breath. Find your destiny. ~David Chi


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Logo for healing tai chi system

35 years of Blessings and Miracles


First I want to give THANKS to GOD and the Angels for allowing me to reach 35 years in life. So many souls do not make it whether by choice or by events that cause their existence to be cut short. I am very grateful for each breath I take.

Every birthday that comes around I try to feel out what that the events and time are going to be like. I envision my happiness and try to see an order of events that would make my energy happy. I originally had planned to go to key west for the weekend just to relax and be around family and friends. To be around the people I love for my birthday is what makes my soul happy. This and the beach is perfect in my eyes.

After trying to organize a few things, everyone could not be at this place. Instead of getting upset of my own expectations, I choose to take my birthday to where it really matters, my heart. I decided to take the love of my life and spend time with my best friend, his wife and their two awesome children in St Petersburg. My best friend opened his house and energy to us and helped make my birthday such a memorable experience for my soul.

Heading over to St. Petersburg we had plans to go on a sunset cruise, the famous beaches, fishing, Dali museum, dinners, parks, bbq and everything in between. This was also the first time my soulmate was meeting my best friend and his family. I knew everything would work out with their energies getting along but did not expect all the miracles that would follow. I was truly blown away from the love that was felt and shared over the weekend!

Once we arrived we never left. The woman went on the balcony and shared their energy while my best friend and I caught up. We watched two women who never met come together at first for their men but then connected in such a soulful way like they have known each other for years. We sat back and enjoyed a glass of wine while looking at our beautiful woman while the sun was setting. We had the kids playing along the side of us and we both counted our blessings of how truly lucky our souls were to be in that moment of time.

The entire weekend was such a blessing. We had such a great soulful time that we never left the house. Our energies together whether we talked, played games, prayed, ate, hugged the kids, hugged each other, everything felt as perfect as it sounds. We did not need to go anywhere to give us the joyous feelings. We did not need anything to make us see how blessed we were. Every meal we all held hands in a circle and prayed to GOD. We THANKED him and all the angels around us for allowing us to come together and experience the love that we were all feeling. You can not find this love at the museum or a park but within your soul.

The children calling us Uncle Fam and Auntie Iris touched our hearts. Our best friends telling us how much they love and appreciate us touched our souls. These are the bonds that are never forgotten. This weekend was also the first time my soulmate and I first told each other that we loved each other. We were both waiting for the right moment to say it even though we have felt it since the beginning. That moment came to us and that moment will never be forgotten.

As we said our goodbyes, Madison, the baby girl who is such a bright light started crying. After her daddy confirmed that we were not saying goodbye, that we were saying see you soon, made the sadness turn into happiness. We felt honored to touch a soul with love to cause that bond.

My love and I reflected on the weekend and we had smiles the entire way home. We held hands and our bond grew even more. Our love for each other is so strong even though the “time” is fairly new but the connection has always been there. We had to both go through tough life experiences in order to be ready for each other. We had to learn how to appreciate each other before we finally met so we both can have that best friend soulful love connection that could be cherished and maintained throughout our life together. I am confident because I know who she is to me. I have been telling her since the beginning and every moment we are together reaffirms my words. I am truly blessed and honored to have this beautiful soul in my life!! WOW…. all this and my birthday is not even here yet. My birthday is the following day and I already felt the best gifts that I ever could have imagined.

June 10th is here and my love had a whole day planned for me that I never imagined. After an awesome breakfast with my father and my love, she took me to a famous winery for a wine tasting. We talked with ease like we have been married for 20 years. To have peace and comfortableness in a bond is a gift and blessing. Amongst all the other gifts she still had one more. My baby took me on a romantic airplane ride along the east coast to West Palm Beach. We held hands and flew through the air like we were angels gliding over the ocean. We prayed and gave THANKS for the moment and all the moments leading up to us being together. A small part of me wanted to keep flying because it was such a perfect moment but the bigger angelic part said then you will be missing out on all the bigger blessings in life. Enjoy, keep the memory in your heart and look forward to all the other blessings that are already laid out for you both.

We ended the night with some champagne, reflection and huge signs from our angels which was the spiritual birthday gift given to both of us on a silver platter.

The vibrations that my soul and energy has felt over the last 4 days have been nothing short of divinely angelic love. My soul is in heaven as my body feels the connection here. The best part is that I know this is just the beginning of my life but as much as I look forward to it, I am here now. I appreciate each breath and moment right now. I hug, I kiss, I say I LOVE YOU, I share, I create. I am me and in me is the love and light that we all share. I am in tune with this light and love and it gets stronger daily.

We all have to go through life training. We will always learn through our experiences and life events. It is up to you whether you look at life as poor me or as the stronger soul who learned what to do and what not to do. It is up to you whether you hate from your experiences or love and appreciate your todays. My birthday cake says Happy Birthday Everyone. Today is everyones day not just mine. Today is the day I celebrate everyone in my life. THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU ANGELS, THANK YOU to all the beautiful souls that surround my existence. Namaste.

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Destiny changes every second



GOD sent the Angels here to help everyone one of us. We all have at least 7 guardian Angels, each one being in charge of a chapter in your life. They are helping you achieve your destined path in life whatever that may be. Some people need “bad” experiences in order to reach their destiny while others may be blessed with a great life and still achieve their destiny. We go through our own experiences to make us who we are today but the path of destiny that is given is always altered some how some way. This is from free choice and will of man, our greatest gift. Just because we are destined to achieve certain experiences and gifts in our life does not mean it is guaranteed.

If I am destined to be president of the USA but I choose to drink and drive and hurt someone else, then I have altered destiny. Sometimes our mistakes are forgiven depending on the level of our destined path and sometimes not. There are jails full of murders who have ruined their lives from a choice. They not only ruined their destiny but also the soul who they took the life from.

Another example of destiny being altered is in love. I believe we have many soul mates in our lifetime depending on the lessons that our souls need to experience. Sometimes we feel that someone is our soul mate and maybe they are but it takes two to make it work. If the other person chooses a different path then you even though you are soul mates, destiny is altered once again by a choice. Furthermore, if you are married to your soul mate and life is wonderful but then something tragic happens, destiny is altered. We all have heard stories about spouses loosing another from the war.

This is where the angels really come into play with our lives. They are here to help us achieve our destined path and that means adapting to the changes made by our choices whether good, bad or indifferent. One of the greatest gifts the angels help us with is timing, also known as Divine timing. When our destiny is altered, they do their best to help guide our timing to realign our destiny. It is almost like an alignment on our car. If it is not fixed then you will be buying tires really soon or have to deal with flats and time delays from that. They help fix the car so we can drive as smoothly as possible even though we could hit a pothole at any time or be forced into one by another driver.

Regardless of what happens in our lives, have faith that GOD has the best workers for your soul trying to make your destined path happen. Have faith and gratitude in GOD for giving us our angels and giving us his unconditional love. GOD loves every soul he made. He may be disappointed in our choices sometimes because we know better but that will never affect his love and dedication to us. GOD is the best parent we all share and will always try to love us to our destiny, we just have to have faith in ourselves and his guidance.

I have made mistakes in my life and altered my destiny many times by simple choices. But I have learned from my mistakes so I will not alter it any more. We all make mistakes but it is the wise soul who learns from the experience. I am a student of life and will always be learning lessons to make my soul the best version it can be. There is no one in history who has ever perfected life. All we can do is act from our heart, speak with love and share what we have with the ones who need it the most. When in doubt, ask yourself how GOD and the angels would respond. Every right answer has that energy in it.
