
David Chi started his martial arts career at a very young age. Growing up in the projects of Philadelphia combined with martial arts training gave him the ability to be himself with no fear. To be able to be your natural self is priceless. “Although fighting is always the last resort, every rose has a thorn to protect the flower. The best weapon you have in this world is your heart and smile. Let them both hold more weight then your fists”.

David wanted to study health and help people and by divine timing, he was introduced to his first tai chi class. After trying many tai chi systems over the next 10 years, he noticed one set back. All of the tai chi systems could not easily be adapted for the handicap or disabled. David had a handicap father who he helped take care of and saw that his dad could not stand and do tai chi let alone some of the twists and forceful movements. At this point David started to incorporate his own style and flow. He started creating 2 tai chi systems that anyone could do, even from bed. Both are based on breath but each one has a different focus on the direction of energy.

After many years practicing and dedicating himself to the art of health and breath, David created Miracle Movements Tai Chi & Qi Gong™ and Miracle Movements Foundation™. Miracle Movements are soft flowing movements all based from the natural way of breathing. If you can breathe and move a finger, you can do Miracle Movements. Even if you have no arms, you can do Miracle Movements. David began teaching his father the movements from a sitting position. To this day, his father has never stood and performed tai chi, instead he has the comfort of doing the movements all from the chair but still has the same breathing benefits. The movements have the same health benefits of meditation in motion. Focusing on the breath promotes healing from the increased oxygen all while relieving any stress or anxiety.

Miracle Movements Foundation was created during David’s first documentary on Parkinson’s disease and tai chi, which all started by helping someone change a tire on the side of the road. Divine influence kept David busy while he made 6 documentaries over 3 years that involved Cancer, Stroke, Brain Damage, Edema, Depression, Suicide and Paralysis. The only cost was time, energy and love. All of the documentaries were totally free of charge, not even expenses were collected. This constant flow of positive energy enabled David to finish the system of Miracle Movements but furthermore make a teacher program and experience countless miracles along the way.

Miracle Movements teacher program teaches what is not taught in schools or religious settings. The foundation is responsible for creating and maintaining teachers of Miracle Movements. The program teaches about energy which is the same as your soul, chi, prana, aura, etc. It gives the logical approach as well as the metaphysical side of how to see, feel, control, exercise and be one with your energy. This method gives you the tools to be aware of your body, mind and energy but at the same time spreading love, light and warmth with every thought and action.

Miracle Movements is not a form of religion or cultured based. Instead it is a natural tool focused around your breath while taking time out for yourself everyday. It teaches you how to love yourself all while keeping you in a relaxed, natural state of being. If you had no worries or stress in life, imagine that carefree feeling. Miracle Movements takes you to this place, moreover, teaches you how to hold onto it so the road of life is easier.

“No matter what type of meditation you do whether it is yoga, tai chi, qi gong, sitting meditation, reiki, etc., it is all about the time you take out for yourself. If you want to wave your arms slow, fly like a bird for 10  minutes, all while focusing on your breath, congratulations, this is tai chi. It is not about the style of tai chi or system of yoga, it is that you love yourself everyday. That you love the body in which houses your soul. That everyday you breathe and let your body know that you are doing something special just for your health. We all have a destined path in life, why not be the healthiest during the journey? You will appreciate life so much more while being healthy. Breathe, connect to your faith, do good deeds and your life will travel a path of fulfillment and miracles”. – David Chi

Miracle Movements Foundation ™

Breathe. Believe. Achieve. ™


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