Happy Birthday to Me

If I had to use one word to describe my last 36 years, it would definitely be MIRACLE!

I reflect daily on my life since birth. This helps me to be grateful in every moment. When I reflect, I do not experience the particular pain or joy of those moments, instead I focus on the lesson that was trying to be given. We all have missed lessons in our lives, sometimes the most obvious ones. This daily focus helps me to be present in the moment for the new signs and messages because GOD and our Angels are ALWAYS trying to guide us to the right choices.

I have been blessed so much in my life with Miracles. From the simple ones of waking up to the highest levels where I have seen lives being saved. We are all given miracles but when we work for the right things in life, we are blessed with even more miracles. Doing the right thing creates the right energy in your heart and soul. Having this energy everyday will only attract the same into your life.

I have had some awesome people in my life to show me things but when the lesson is learned, it is time for that person to go a separate way. Sometimes the ending is bad and difficult but sometimes that is the only way it could happen. In either case, I focused on the lesson and loose nothing, only gained insights, miracles and lessons to help me achieve my destiny.

So As I reflect once again, I hold the highest gratitude to GOD and my Angels for always looking out for me. I know exactly what I have to do in my life and if things change then I will adapt with a positive heart and soul all while having a smile. Nothing can break my smile or my love. This is from GOD and nothing is stronger.

Thank you to all my family, friends and people in my life who made me who I am today. For today is the best version of my self both physically and spiritually. As I continue to work on my mind, body and soul, I will never stop being a student of life while helping and teaching others to do the same. Love you all! Namaste.